Scrittura / Kaweco Collection

Kaweco Collection - Albicocca

Kaweco Collection - Apricot, released February 2024

The Kaweco Collection Apricot Pearl – a fountain pen that awakens the creative mind. The colour variant eliminates everyday stress and encourages a refocus on the essentials. The pen’s warm colour is perfectly complemented by the use of gold-plated elements, conveying a calm and positive atmosphere.

In addition to its calming effect, the high-quality translucent plastic pen releases creative power and inspires new ideas, especially with its colour-changing properties. Depending on the incidence of light, the subtle orange shimmers in a pearly green and thus ideally reflects the fresh spring colours.

Kaweo Collection Albicocca - Stilografica [EF]

Item: L11000258

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€27,70 inc VAT €22,70 ex VAT

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Kaweo Collection Albicocca - Stilografica [F]

Item: L11000259

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€27,70 inc VAT €22,70 ex VAT

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Kaweo Collection Albicocca - Stilografica [M]

Item: L11000260

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Kaweo Collection Albicocca - Stilografica [B]

Item: L11000261

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Kaweo Collection Albicocca - Stilografica [BB]

Item: L11000262

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€27,70 inc VAT €22,70 ex VAT

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